Parallel HDF5
Parallel HDF5 is a way to use HDF5 in a parallel computing environment
Configuration of the HDF5 library that uses MPI (Message Passing Interface) to share open files across multiple parallel processes
Some software provided here has been build using Parallel HDF5 to distribute the computational load across nodes
Binary Installation (Linux)
sudo apt-get install openmpi-bin mpi-default-bin openmpi-doc libopenmpi-dev
sudo apt-get install libhdf5-openmpi-dev
sudo apt-get install python3-setuptools python3-pip
env MPICC=/usr/bin/mpicc python3 -m pip install --user mpi4py
export CC=mpicc
export HDF5_MPI="ON"
python3 -m pip install --user --no-binary=h5py h5py
Binary Installation (MacPorts)
sudo port install hdf5 +openmpi_devel
sudo port install py37-h5py +openmpi_devel
Source Installation
The versions of each program may be different based on software upgrades and your computer version. This is only meant to guide you along your way.
curl -O
export CFLAGS=-fPIC
mkdir -p $HOME/packages/zlib/1.2.12
./configure --prefix=$HOME/packages/zlib/1.2.12
make install
modulefile for local installation of zlib (~/privatemodules/zlib/1.2.12
#%Module 1.0
# zlib module for use with 'environment-modules' package:
module-whatis "Provides zlib 1.2.12 (local)"
global env
prepend-path PATH $env(HOME)/packages/zlib/1.2.12/bin
prepend-path LD_LIBRARY_PATH $env(HOME)/packages/zlib/1.2.12/lib
prepend-path MANPATH $env(HOME)/packages/zlib/1.2.12/share/man/
append-path ZLIB_DIR $env(HOME)/packages/zlib/1.2.12/
curl -O
export CFLAGS=-fPIC
mkdir -p $HOME/packages/szip/2.1.1
./configure --prefix=$HOME/packages/szip/2.1.1
make install
modulefile for local installation of szip (~/privatemodules/szip/2.1.1
#%Module 1.0
# szip module for use with 'environment-modules' package:
module-whatis "Provides szip 2.1.1 (local)"
global env
prepend-path PATH $env(HOME)/packages/szip/2.1.1/bin
prepend-path LD_LIBRARY_PATH $env(HOME)/packages/szip/2.1.1/lib
prepend-path MANPATH $env(HOME)/packages/szip/2.1.1/share/man/
curl -O
mkdir -p $HOME/packages/mpi/openmpi/4.0.3
./configure --prefix=$HOME/packages/mpi/openmpi/4.0.3
make all install
modulefile for local installation of OpenMPI (~/privatemodules/mpi/openmpi/4.0.3
#%Module 1.0
# OpenMPI module for use with 'environment-modules' package:
module-whatis "Provides openmpi 4.0.3 (local)"
global env
prepend-path OPAL_PREFIX $env(HOME)/packages/mpi/openmpi/4.0.3
prepend-path PATH $env(HOME)/packages/mpi/openmpi/4.0.3/bin
prepend-path LD_LIBRARY_PATH $env(HOME)/packages/mpi/openmpi/4.0.3/lib
prepend-path MANPATH $env(HOME)/packages/mpi/openmpi/4.0.3/share/man/
curl -O
mkdir -p $HOME/packages/hdf5/1.10.5
CC=~/packages/mpi/openmpi/4.0.3/bin/mpicc ./configure \
--enable-parallel --enable-hl --enable-shared \
--prefix=$HOME/packages/hdf5/1.10.5 \
--with-zlib=$HOME/packages/zlib/1.2.12 \
make check
make install
modulefile for local installation of HDF5 (~/privatemodules/hdf5/1.10.5
#%Module 1.0
# HDF5 module for use with 'environment-modules' package:
module-whatis "Provides hdf5 1.10.5 (local)"
global env
prereq $env(HOME)/privatemodules/zlib/1.2.12 $env(HOME)/privatemodules/szip/2.1.1 $env(HOME)/privatemodules/mpi/openmpi/4.0.3
prepend-path PATH $env(HOME)/packages/hdf5/1.10.5/bin
prepend-path LD_LIBRARY_PATH $env(HOME)/packages/hdf5/1.10.5/lib
prepend-path MANPATH $env(HOME)/packages/hdf5/1.10.5/share/man/
append-path HDF5_DIR $env(HOME)/packages/hdf5/1.10.5/
modulefile for root installation of Python3 (~/privatemodules/python/3.6.9
#%Module 1.0
# Python module for use with 'environment-modules' package:
module-whatis "Provides Python 3.6.9"
global env
set-alias python /usr/bin/python3
set-alias pip /usr/bin/pip3
prepend-path PYTHONPATH $env(HOME)/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages
setenv PYTHONUSERBASE $env(HOME)/local/
Python Packages
mpi4py: Python bindings of the Message Passing Interface (MPI)
h5py: Read and write HDF5 files from Python
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
env MPICC=~/packages/mpi/openmpi/4.0.3/bin/mpicc python3 -m pip install --user mpi4py
export CC=$HOME/packages/mpi/openmpi/4.0.3/bin/mpicc
export HDF5_MPI="ON"
python3 -m pip install --user --no-binary=h5py h5py
If getting error showing Open MPI removed legacy modules from the MPI-1 standard: install maintained mpi4py from bitbucket
env MPICC=~/packages/mpi/openmpi/4.0.3/bin/mpicc \
python3 -m pip install --user \