
Utilities for reading and operating on spatial data

  • Can read netCDF4, HDF5 or geotiff files

Calling Sequence

Reading a netCDF4 file

import icesat2_toolkit.spatial
dinput = icesat2_toolkit.spatial.from_netCDF4(path_to_netCDF4_file)

Reading a HDF5 file

import icesat2_toolkit.spatial
dinput = icesat2_toolkit.spatial.from_HDF5(path_to_HDF5_file)

Source code

General Methods

icesat2_toolkit.spatial.case_insensitive_filename(filename: str | pathlib.Path)[source]

Searches a directory for a filename without case dependence

filename: str

input filename

icesat2_toolkit.spatial.from_file(filename: str, format: str, **kwargs)[source]

Wrapper function for reading data from an input format

filename: str

full path of input file

format: str

format of input file

**kwargs: dict

Keyword arguments for file reader

icesat2_toolkit.spatial.from_netCDF4(filename: str, **kwargs)[source]

Read data from a netCDF4 file

filename: str

full path of input netCDF4 file

compression: str or NoneType, default None

file compression type

timename: str, default ‘time’

name for time-dimension variable

xname: str, default ‘lon’

name for x-dimension variable

yname: str, default ‘lat’

name for y-dimension variable

varname: str, default ‘data’

name for data variable

field_mapping: dict, default {}

mapping between output variables and input netCDF4

icesat2_toolkit.spatial.from_HDF5(filename: str | pathlib.Path, **kwargs)[source]

Read data from a HDF5 file

filename: str

full path of input HDF5 file

compression: str or NoneType, default None

file compression type

timename: str, default ‘time’

name for time-dimension variable

xname: str, default ‘lon’

name for x-dimension variable

yname: str, default ‘lat’

name for y-dimension variable

varname: str, default ‘data’

name for data variable

field_mapping: dict, default {}

mapping between output variables and input HDF5

icesat2_toolkit.spatial.from_geotiff(filename: str, **kwargs)[source]

Read data from a geotiff file

filename: str

full path of input geotiff file

compression: str or NoneType, default None

file compression type

bounds: list or NoneType, default bounds

extent of the file to read: [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]

icesat2_toolkit.spatial.convert_ellipsoid(phi1: ndarray, h1: ndarray, a1: float, f1: float, a2: float, f2: float, eps: float = 1e-12, itmax: int = 10)[source]

Convert latitudes and heights to a different ellipsoid using Newton-Raphson

phi1: np.ndarray

latitude of input ellipsoid in degrees

h1: np.ndarray

height above input ellipsoid in meters

a1: float

semi-major axis of input ellipsoid

f1: float

flattening of input ellipsoid

a2: float

semi-major axis of output ellipsoid

f2: float

flattening of output ellipsoid

eps: float, default 1e-12

tolerance to prevent division by small numbers and to determine convergence

itmax: int, default 10

maximum number of iterations to use in Newton-Raphson

phi2: np.ndarray

latitude of output ellipsoid in degrees

h2: np.ndarray

height above output ellipsoid in meters


  1. Meeus, Astronomical Algorithms, 2nd edition, 477 pp., (1998).

icesat2_toolkit.spatial.compute_delta_h(a1: float, f1: float, a2: float, f2: float, lat: ndarray)[source]
Compute difference in elevation for two ellipsoids at a given

latitude using a simplified empirical equation

a1: float

semi-major axis of input ellipsoid

f1: float

flattening of input ellipsoid

a2: float

semi-major axis of output ellipsoid

f2: float

flattening of output ellipsoid

lat: np.ndarray

latitudes (degrees north)

delta_h: np.ndarray

difference in elevation for two ellipsoids



J Meeus, Astronomical Algorithms, pp. 77–82, (1991).

icesat2_toolkit.spatial.wrap_longitudes(lon: float | numpy.ndarray)[source]

Wraps longitudes to range from -180 to +180

lon: float or np.ndarray

longitude (degrees east)

icesat2_toolkit.spatial.to_cartesian(lon: ndarray, lat: ndarray, h: float | numpy.ndarray = 0.0, a_axis: float = 6378137.0, flat: float = 0.0033528106647474805)[source]

Converts geodetic coordinates to Cartesian coordinates

lon: np.ndarray

longitude (degrees east)

lat: np.ndarray

latitude (degrees north)

h: float or np.ndarray, default 0.0

height above ellipsoid (or sphere)

a_axis: float, default 6378137.0

semimajor axis of the ellipsoid

for spherical coordinates set to radius of the Earth

flat: float, default 1.0/298.257223563

ellipsoidal flattening

for spherical coordinates set to 0

icesat2_toolkit.spatial.to_sphere(x: ndarray, y: ndarray, z: ndarray)[source]

Convert from cartesian coordinates to spherical coordinates

x, np.ndarray

cartesian x-coordinates

y, np.ndarray

cartesian y-coordinates

z, np.ndarray

cartesian z-coordinates

icesat2_toolkit.spatial.to_geodetic(x: ndarray, y: ndarray, z: ndarray, a_axis: float = 6378137.0, flat: float = 0.0033528106647474805, method: str = 'bowring', eps: float = 2.220446049250313e-16, iterations: int = 10)[source]

Convert from cartesian coordinates to geodetic coordinates using either iterative or closed-form methods

x, float

cartesian x-coordinates

y, float

cartesian y-coordinates

z, float

cartesian z-coordinates

a_axis: float, default 6378137.0

semimajor axis of the ellipsoid

flat: float, default 1.0/298.257223563

ellipsoidal flattening

method: str, default ‘bowring’

method to use for conversion

  • 'moritz': iterative solution

  • 'bowring': iterative solution

  • 'zhu': closed-form solution

eps: float, default np.finfo(np.float64).eps

tolerance for iterative methods

iterations: int, default 10

maximum number of iterations

icesat2_toolkit.spatial._moritz_iterative(x: ndarray, y: ndarray, z: ndarray, a_axis: float = 6378137.0, flat: float = 0.0033528106647474805, eps: float = 2.220446049250313e-16, iterations: int = 10)[source]

Convert from cartesian coordinates to geodetic coordinates using the iterative solution of [1]

x, float

cartesian x-coordinates

y, float

cartesian y-coordinates

z, float

cartesian z-coordinates

a_axis: float, default 6378137.0

semimajor axis of the ellipsoid

flat: float, default 1.0/298.257223563

ellipsoidal flattening

eps: float, default np.finfo(np.float64).eps

tolerance for iterative method

iterations: int, default 10

maximum number of iterations



B. Hofmann-Wellenhof and H. Moritz, Physical Geodesy, 2nd Edition, 403 pp., (2006). doi: 10.1007/978-3-211-33545-1

icesat2_toolkit.spatial._bowring_iterative(x: ndarray, y: ndarray, z: ndarray, a_axis: float = 6378137.0, flat: float = 0.0033528106647474805, eps: float = 2.220446049250313e-16, iterations: int = 10)[source]

Convert from cartesian coordinates to geodetic coordinates using the iterative solution of [1] [2]

x, float

cartesian x-coordinates

y, float

cartesian y-coordinates

z, float

cartesian z-coordinates

a_axis: float, default 6378137.0

semimajor axis of the ellipsoid

flat: float, default 1.0/298.257223563

ellipsoidal flattening

eps: float, default np.finfo(np.float64).eps

tolerance for iterative method

iterations: int, default 10

maximum number of iterations



B. R. Bowring, “Transformation from spatial to geodetic coordinates,” Survey Review, 23(181), 323–327, (1976). doi: 10.1179/sre.1976.23.181.323


B. R. Bowring, “The Accuracy Of Geodetic Latitude and Height Equations,” Survey Review, 28(218), 202–206, (1985). doi: 10.1179/sre.1985.28.218.202

icesat2_toolkit.spatial._zhu_closed_form(x: ndarray, y: ndarray, z: ndarray, a_axis: float = 6378137.0, flat: float = 0.0033528106647474805)[source]

Convert from cartesian coordinates to geodetic coordinates using the closed-form solution of [1]

x, float

cartesian x-coordinates

y, float

cartesian y-coordinates

z, float

cartesian z-coordinates

a_axis: float, default 6378137.0

semimajor axis of the ellipsoid

flat: float, default 1.0/298.257223563

ellipsoidal flattening



J. Zhu, “Exact conversion of Earth-centered, Earth-fixed coordinates to geodetic coordinates,” Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 16(2), 389–391, (1993). doi: 10.2514/3.21016

icesat2_toolkit.spatial.scale_factors(lat: ndarray, flat: float = 0.0033528106647474805, reference_latitude: float = 70.0, metric: str = 'area')[source]

Calculates scaling factors to account for polar stereographic distortion including special case of at the exact pole [1] [2]

lat: np.ndarray

latitude (degrees north)

flat: float, default 1.0/298.257223563

ellipsoidal flattening

reference_latitude: float, default 70.0

reference latitude (true scale latitude)

metric: str, default ‘area’

metric to calculate scaling factors

  • 'distance': scale factors for distance

  • 'area': scale factors for area

scale: np.ndarray

scaling factors at input latitudes



J. P. Snyder, Map Projections used by the U.S. Geological Survey, Geological Survey Bulletin 1532, U.S. Government Printing Office, (1982).


JPL Technical Memorandum 3349-85-101

icesat2_toolkit.spatial.inside_polygon(x: ndarray, y: ndarray, xpts: ndarray, ypts: ndarray, threshold: float = 0.01)[source]

Indicates whether a specified 2D point is inside a specified 2D polygon

x: np.ndarray

x-coordinates of the 2D point(s) to check

y: np.ndarray

y-coordinates of the 2D point(s) to check

xpts: np.ndarray

x-coordinates of the 2D polygon.

ypts: np.ndarray

y-coordinates of the 2D polygon

threshold: float, default 0.01

minimum angle for checking if inside polygon

flag: np.ndarray

flag denoting if points are within polygon

  • True: within polygon

  • False: outside polygon