
Utilities for calculating average fits from ATL03 Geolocated Photon Data

Source code

General Methods, n)[source]

Compress complete list of valid indices into a set of ranges

i: int

indices to compress

n: int

largest gap between indices to accept for range, tep_hist, tep_range_prim)[source]

Centers the transmit-echo-path histogram reported by ATL03 using an iterative edit to distinguish between signal and noise

tep_hist_time: float

TEP histogram bin times

tep_hist: int

TEP histogram

tep_range_prim: float

primary histogram range values[source]

Calculates the interquartile range [Pritchard2009] and robust dispersion estimator [Smith2017] of the model residuals

r0: float

height residuals

IQR: float

75% of the interquartile range

RDE: float

50% of the difference between the 84th and 16th percentiles

median: float

median value of height residuals



H. D. Pritchard et al., “Extensive dynamic thinning on the margins of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets”, Nature, 461(7266), 971–975, (2009). doi:10.1038/nature08471


B. E. Smith el al., “Connected subglacial lake drainage beneath Thwaites Glacier, West Antarctica”, The Cryosphere, 11(1), 451–467, (2017). doi:10.5194/tc-11-451-2017, y, z, confidence_mask, dist_along, SURF_TYPE='linear', ITERATE=25, CONFIDENCE=[4, 3, 2, 1, 0])[source]

Try fitting a surface to the signal photons with progressively less confidence if no valid surface is found

x: float

along-track x-coordinates

y: float

along-track y-coordinates

z: float

along-track photon heights

confidence_mask: int

confidence level of each photon event

dist_along: float

center of segment in along-track x-coordinates

SURF_TYPE: str, default ‘linear’

Surface polynomial to fit to photon heights

  • 'linear'

  • 'quadratic'

ITERATE: int, default 25

maximum number of iterations to use in fit

CONFIDENCE: list, default [4,3,2,1,0]

Minimum photon confidence levels to attempt to use in fit, y, z, centroid, ind, SURF_TYPE='linear', ITERATE=25)[source]

Iteratively fit a polynomial surface to the elevation data to reduce to within a valid surface window [Smith2019]

x: float

along-track x-coordinates

y: float

along-track y-coordinates

z: float

along-track photon heights

centroid: dict

segment center for referencing along-track coordinates

  • 'x': centroid of x-coordinates

  • 'y': centroid of y-coordinates

ind: int

indices of photon events for confidence level to use in fit

SURF_TYPE: str, default ‘linear’

Surface polynomial to fit to photon heights

  • 'linear'

  • 'quadratic'

ITERATE: int, default 25

maximum number of iterations to use in fit



B. E. Smith el al., “Land ice height-retrieval algorithm for NASA’s ICESat-2 photon-counting laser altimeter”, Remote Sensing of Environment, 233, 111352, (2019). doi:10.1016/j.rse.2019.111352, y, z, centroid, SURF_TYPE='linear')[source]

Fit a polynomial surface to the elevation data

x: float

along-track x-coordinates

y: float

along-track y-coordinates

z: float

along-track photon heights

centroid: dict

segment center for referencing along-track coordinates

  • 'x': centroid of x-coordinates

  • 'y': centroid of y-coordinates

SURF_TYPE: str, default ‘linear’

Surface polynomial to fit to photon heights

  • 'linear'

  • 'quadratic', y, z, confidence_mask, dist_along, dt, FIT_TYPE='gaussian', ITERATE=25, BACKGROUND=0, CONFIDENCE=[2, 1, 0])[source]

Try fitting a function to the signal photon histograms with progressively less confidence if no valid fit is found

x: float

along-track x-coordinates

y: float

along-track y-coordinates

z: float

along-track photon heights

confidence_mask: int

confidence level of each photon event

dist_along: float

center of segment in along-track x-coordinates

dt: float

histogram bin size in seconds

FIT_TYPE: str, default ‘linear’

decomposition function to fit to photon height histograms

  • 'gaussian'

  • 'general'

ITERATE: int, default 25

maximum number of iterations to use in fit

BACKGROUND: float or int, default 0

vertical noise-photon density for segment

CONFIDENCE: list, default [2,1,0]

Minimum photon confidence levels to attempt to use in fit, y, z, ind, dt, FIT_TYPE='gaussian', ITERATE=25, PEAKS=2, BACKGROUND=0)[source]

Iteratively use decomposition fitting to the elevation data to reduce to within a valid surface window

x: float

along-track x-coordinates

y: float

along-track y-coordinates

z: float

along-track photon heights

ind: int

indices of photon events for confidence level to use in fit

dt: float

histogram bin size in seconds

FIT_TYPE: str, default ‘linear’

decomposition function to fit to photon height histograms

  • 'gaussian'

  • 'general'

ITERATE: int, default 25

maximum number of iterations to use in fit

PEAKS: int, default 2

estimated number of signal peaks in the segment histogram

BACKGROUND: float or int, default 0

vertical noise-photon density for segment, hist, priors, lower_bound, upper_bound, FIT_TYPE=None)[source]

Optimially fit a function to the photon event histogram with Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm

z: float

photon height histogram bins

hist: int

photon height histogram

priors: float

mean estimate for each histogram fit parameter

lower_bound: float

lower-bound estimate for each histogram fit parameter

upper_bound: float

upper-bound estimate for each histogram fit parameter

FIT_TYPE: str, default ‘linear’

decomposition function to fit to photon height histograms

  • 'gaussian'

  • 'general', distance_along_X, X_atc)[source]

Calculate the average of photon event variables by fitting with respect to the center of the along-track coordinates

var: float

photon event variable to compute average

distance_along_X: float

along-track x-coordinates

X_atc: float

segment center in along-track x-coordinates, **kwargs)[source]

Calculate the average value from two segments with possible invalid values

var: float

segment variable to compute average

fill_value: float, default None

replacement fill value for averages

ave: float

average value of two segments, n_pulses, n_pixels, dead_time, dt, METHOD='direct', ITERATE=20)[source]

Estimate mean and median first photon bias corrections [Smith2019]

temporal_residuals: float

photon height residuals in seconds

n_pulses: int

Estimated number of laser pulses in segment

n_pixels: int

Number of pixels for beam

dead_time: float

Estimated dead time

dt: float

Histogram bin size in seconds

METHOD: str, default ‘direct’

Method for computing first photon bias

  • 'direct'

  • 'logarithmic'

ITERATE: int, default 20

maximum number of iterations to use in 'logarithmic' method



B. E. Smith el al., “Land ice height-retrieval algorithm for NASA’s ICESat-2 photon-counting laser altimeter”, Remote Sensing of Environment, 233, 111352, (2019). doi:10.1016/j.rse.2019.111352, hist, n_pulses, n_pixels, dead_time, dt, METHOD='direct', ITERATE=20)[source]

Estimate mean and median first photon bias corrections using histogram fit residuals

t_full: float

histogram bins in seconds

hist: int or float

photon height residuals histogram

n_pulses: int

Estimated number of laser pulses in segment

n_pixels: int

Number of pixels for beam

dead_time: float

Estimated dead time

dt: float

Histogram bin size in seconds

METHOD: str, default ‘direct’

Method for computing first photon bias

  • 'direct'

  • 'logarithmic'

ITERATE: int, default 20

maximum number of iterations to use in 'logarithmic' method, p_TX, W_TX, W_RX, dt_W, SNR, ITERATE=50)[source]

Estimate the transmit-pulse-shape correction needed for segment averages [Smith2019]

t_TX: float

windowed TEP histogram time with respect to histogram centroid

p_TX: float

windowed TEP histogram power with noise estimate removed

W_TX: float

Robust Dispersion Estimate (RDE) of windowed transmit pulse

W_RX: float

Robust Dispersion Estimate (RDE) of segment fit residuals

dt_W: float

Segment fit window

SNR: float

Estimated signal-to-noise ratio of segment photons

ITERATE: int, default 50

maximum number of iterations to use



B. E. Smith el al., “Land ice height-retrieval algorithm for NASA’s ICESat-2 photon-counting laser altimeter”, Remote Sensing of Environment, 233, 111352, (2019). doi:10.1016/j.rse.2019.111352