
  • Downloads an ICESat-2 product associated with an input file of a different product.

Source code

Calling Sequence

usage: nsidc_icesat2_associated.py [-h] [--user USER] [--password PASSWORD]
                                   [--netrc NETRC] [--directory DIRECTORY]
                                   [--product PRODUCTS] [--auxiliary]
                                   [--flatten] [--np PROCESSES]
                                   [--timeout TIMEOUT] [--retry RETRY]
                                   [--mode MODE]
                                   file [file ...]

Positional Arguments


ICESat-2 products to associate

Named Arguments

--user, -U

Username for NASA Earthdata Login

--password, -W

Password for NASA Earthdata Login

--netrc, -N

Path to .netrc file for authentication

--directory, -D

Working data directory

--product, -p

Possible choices: ATL03, ATL04, ATL06, ATL07, ATL08, ATL09, ATL10, ATL12, ATL13

Associated ICESat-2 data product to download

--auxiliary, -a

Sync ICESat-2 auxiliary files for each HDF5 file

--flatten, -F

Do not create subdirectories

--np, -P

Number of processes to use in downloading files

--timeout, -T

Timeout in seconds for blocking operations

--retry, -R

Connection retry attempts

--mode, -M

Permissions mode of output files