Converts ICESat-2 HDF5 datafiles to zarr or rechunked HDF5 datafiles for a specified data product, release, granule and track.
zarr files make large datasets easily accessible to distributed computing on both local filesystems and cloud-based object stores
rechunked HDF5 files can be more optimized for cloud-based object stores
Calling Sequence
usage: [-h] [--directory DIRECTORY]
[--year YEAR [YEAR ...]]
[--subdirectory SUBDIRECTORY [SUBDIRECTORY ...]]
[--release RELEASE]
[--version VERSION [VERSION ...]]
[--granule REGION [REGION ...]]
[--cycle CYCLE [CYCLE ...]]
[--track RGT [RGT ...]]
[--format {zarr,HDF5}] [--chunks CHUNKS]
[--np PROCESSES] [--clobber] [--verbose]
[--mode MODE]
Positional Arguments
Possible choices: ATL03, ATL04, ATL06, ATL07, ATL08, ATL09, ATL10, ATL12, ATL13
ICESat-2 products to convert
Named Arguments
- --directory, -D
Working data directory
- --year, -Y
Years to run
- --subdirectory, -S
subdirectories of data to run
- --release, -r
ICESat-2 Data Release
- --version, -v
ICESat-2 Data Version
- --granule, -g
Possible choices: 1–14
ICESat-2 Granule Region
- --cycle, -c
ICESat-2 orbital cycles to convert
- --track, -t
Possible choices: 1–1387
ICESat-2 Reference Ground Tracks (RGTs)
- --format
Possible choices: zarr, HDF5
Output file format
- --chunks
Rechunk output files to size
- --np, -P
Number of processes to use in file conversion
- --clobber, -C
Overwrite existing data
- --verbose, -V
Verbose output of run
- --mode, -M
Permissions mode of output files